It is possible to grow a new set of teeth if you eat 4 leaves, not too old, not too new, from the tree which I call the toothbrush tree (not the hot climate version) but the trees that used to be plentiful in England and the Nordics.
Rocket Linguine, to counter Magic Mushroom/LSD POISONING
Magic Mushroom/LSD Poisoning is a Medieval crime that is not often caught. . . until NOW! It happened to me in Uni, and students and teachers alike were affected. The cure is Rose Oil, but if that’s not immediately available, Rocket or Water Cress is equally good at countering its affects and is known to help normal brain functions.
The Odyssey, Drug-induced Megalomaniac Wars
We may all be trapped in a man made Odyssey, trapped in the imaginings of our own minds because of the Megalomaniac Drug Wars. Comprehension of one’s own Oydessy helps us understand the BIG ODYSSEY.
THE ANTIDOTE to Cult Drugs, Alzheimer’s Hangovers, and Sobriety!
The Antidote is a cure if you like to combat the effects of certain illegal drugs that are used to either get you to do things against your will.
Or perhaps make you oblivious to crimes going on around you, or maybe to enhance a brainwashing technique like the American cults used to use.