It is possible to grow a new set of teeth if you eat 4 leaves, not too old, not too new, from the tree which I call the toothbrush tree (not the hot climate version) but the trees that used to be plentiful in England and the Nordics.
The Odyssey, Drug-induced Megalomaniac Wars
We may all be trapped in a man made Odyssey, trapped in the imaginings of our own minds because of the Megalomaniac Drug Wars. Comprehension of one’s own Oydessy helps us understand the BIG ODYSSEY.
Grimms Vs Critters, a cure for Zombies and Sickle Cell
Grimms are the vanquishers of Critters and many a story depends on this outcome. Zombies and Sickle Cell disease aren’t related as far as I know other than they can both be vanquished by Grimms, here’s how.
Contraception . . . for the Mature and Responsible!
We need contraception, if we look at our schools and ask the children to put their hands up if their parents are married, (I have done this) I bet none of them will. That actually means that today compared to the 1800’s we are a society of Prostitutes who don’t take responsibility for our actions within society. We rely on the State for money, and knowledge, which we glean from our friends who are also Prostitutes.