Rocket Linguine, to counter Magic Mushroom/LSD POISONING

Magic Mushroom/LSD Poisoning is a Medieval crime that is not often caught. . . until NOW! It happened to me in Uni, and students and teachers alike were affected. The cure is Rose Oil, but if that’s not immediately available, Rocket or Water Cress is equally good at countering its affects and is known to help normal brain functions.

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Strawberry Jam Yeast Muffins with Butter Frosting, Cures HIV/Aids, Cancer & the Covid/Corona Virus

Strawberry Jam Yeast Muffins with Butter Frosting

Warning- These Muffins are so delicious you may need to stop yourself from eating all the butter frosting whilst cooking your muffins, and also, the finished Strawberry Jam with Butter Frosting Yeast Muffin itself! They Cure Aids/HIV Cancer and the Covid 19/Corona Virus and much more!.

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Garlic Spinach Quesadilla’s Recipe

Years ago, the church was very worried about the Flea situation in London and thought that with the fear of Vampires at the time, if we told the general public that Vampires don’t like garlic, they would eat it and in so doing, be repellent themselves to the fleas, that the clergy felt was the bigger problem!.

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Olive Oil, Parmesan, Balsamic Vinegar Aperitif

Increasing your Oil intake to improve your skin, hair and internal organs (liver, Kidney etc) couldn’t be easier with this simple Aperitif, best eaten as a dip with 3-day old bread (3-day old bread contains extremely strong anitbiotics.) that can be shared with your whole table. If you are Eczema prone eating this for two weeks everyday should alleviate any symptoms leaving you flake and itch-free!.

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Lemon and Ginger Medicinal Cocktail Recipe

Lemon and Ginger Medicinal Cocktail Ingredients

This Lemon and Ginger drink is packed full of goodness to help prevent colds and boost the immune system but its most amazing quality is that it can combat the effects of cult drugs that are increasingly common nowadays as recreational drugs. People throw it around in bars, cafe’s, clubs, events and even in the workplace.

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Yeast Muffin Recipe, Cures HIV/Aids, Cancer & the Covid/Corona Virus

Delicious Yeast Muffin in purple paper - contains extremely strong antibiotics that can cure Aids, Cancer & Covid, keep eating!

If you have any viral disease, HIV/Aids, Cancer, Covid/Corona Virus, or the Plague! including any sexually transmitted disease, then this is the healthy recipe for you. Yeast Muffins creates extremely strong antibiotics, stronger than you would be able to take as an injectable from a GP.

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