Looking after your teeth is something most of us are taught to do from an early age believing that we only get 2 sets of teeth for our whole lifetime, baby teeth which fallout around the pre-teen ages and then adult teeth including wisdom teeth 5-10 years later. In the olden days (not the new figments of the olden days) but the older people knew that you could grow a new set of teeth, whenever you needed to.
(Aside1) What is a Figment?
A Figment is exactly the same as a Human medically speaking, but they do not have souls, some have a Residual Spirit if you like but different from a Soul. They are now the majority population all over the world. A lot of people don’t know whether they are Human or Figment and the tale, tale sign is in the DNA. A figment has a tiny little ‘ f ‘ in their DNA.
Another distinguishing factor is that upon death, they disappear, I know weird! but as Coroners and Police Officers and the Army and Witnesses all over the world will contest, it actually happens in three to four days sometimes sooner and sometimes later, so burial is not really a consideration, Figments have Rememberances, much like a wake. Figments are inventions that the Saboteurs have conjured to cover up their crimes of killing all the Humans, so yes, I am very concerned about overpopulation!.
Why didn’t anyone tell everyone that you could grow a new set of teeth?
Well, in order to grow a new set of teeth you need to be respectful to the older people because otherwise they won’t tell you, and that’s pretty much why no one knew.
What else did older people know?
They knew that people live longer than the average 80-90 years people think they have on this earth, they knew younger people couldn’t perceive time, so didn’t bother explaining.
Older people knew that people live for 1000’s of years naturally, we wouldn’t know today because of the forgetmenots and being a world of new figments pretty much, knowledge and wisdom has been lost.
(Aside 1) What is a forgetmenot and a Groundhog?
A forgetmenot, does not have to be within a Groundhog, but I think as we have been in several Groundhogs for a few centuries now we would most commonly associate it with a Groundhog.
A forget-me-not is a term I have coined to describe a chunk of time possible spanning decades that people have forgotten. Like for instance that this is probably the 3rd or 4th Covid 19/Corona Virus we have encountered. Trump was in power in the States as he is now and Boris Johnson Prime Minister, however, he stepped down quite quickly in one or two of the last rounds of Covid 19/Corona Virus. Biden too was trying to become president in the last rounds of the Covid 19/Corona Virus but he too quickly steps down.
Now, who remembers any of this? I remember because I was in the midst of it the first time around and the other repeats of the passage of time called a Groundhog, another term I have coined to describe the repetition of a day a week or in this case decades.
So simply put a forgetmenot is mass forgetfulness of a huge chunk of time often associated with a Groundhog. So if by chance we end up 40 years down the line with the same news and another Covid 19/Corona Virus outbreak, England still thinking they are in the EU, we actually left in the second outbreak! and Boris Johnson and Theresa May in power in England AGAIN, then we will have experienced a Groundhog which also encompassed a forgetmenot. As this could ONLY HAPPEN IF WE HAD COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN HOW AWFUL THAT WAS.
It makes sense that if we live for over a 1000 years then we would need a new set of teeth and that nature would provide the solution as nature has provided most medical solutions already for us. Modern medicine is all made from natural resources although it is a manmade mix, because we want faster results and everything already prepared for us.
The other reason that no one knew how to grow a new set of teeth is that during the Victorian age, there was an industrial revolution which meant that trees were felled left right and centre for the railways to transport goods and parts to service the new industries that eventually used coal over wood as it burnt longer and of course they cut all the trees down!.
In the old days it was pretty much the norm for every household to have a toothbrush tree near them. I can’t remember the name of it, but I call it the toothbrush tree, so they could pop outside and grab a twig, a small one which tastes a bit like Mentadent P toothpaste, and chew the end to make bristles and to let the sap flow and just brush their teeth with it every morning.
The twigs people used were small because if it’s too big it might make your teeth fall out, but you would grow new ones afterwards.
Later people who had that habit and forgot about the toothbrush tree found themselves chewing on the ends of matches, this was quite common and there is no other reason except the vague memory of chewing a twig as a child but as an adult like today, no one could remember anything perhaps because of a forgetmenot?.
This chewing of the end of a match was made ‘cool’ if you like by the cowboys in America!
But how do we grow new teeth I can hear you ask!
To grow a new set of teeth, you need 4 leaves (not too new, and not too old) from the toothbrush tree. You can mash them up a bit if you have no teeth and rub it all over your gums and swallow it, as in just eat it, and in 2-3 months a new set of teeth will appear.
If you have teeth, rather than just eating the leaves which you could do, but it’s a little bitter, you could just get a sandwich, I like chicken salad and place all the leaves in the sandwich and eat it chewing well, and in about 1 – 20 mins all your teeth will fall out and again in 2- 3 months a new set of teeth will appear.
Dentists could treat one missing tooth by dabbing the juice on the gum line where the missing tooth was, but most people want a full new set.
So where are these amazing trees that people either don’t believe in, or think are magic or even cursed?
You could find them if they are still around by tasting the leaf, it looks a bit like an oak leaf and if it tastes like Mentadent P toothpaste then you’ve found it!
Another way is to look at the ground, if you see lots of animal teeth, because the animals chew the twigs and branches too to keep their teeth clean, then again you’ve found it!
You don’t see a lot of animals around the trees usually, not even birds because once they all know about it, I think word spreads through the forest and all the animals have to have a go, or are scared because all their teeth fall out.
These trees evoked suspicion by many, including me when you look at the ground and see loads of little squirrel teeth or dog teeth etc. One might think it’s some evil witch curse, but no, it is what the tree does naturally.
God put everything we need on earth and we just need to look.
During the Global Warming, many trees and plants died and there were initiatives to replant or re-forest the world. I wanted these trees around, as do many of you I would imagine too, so I obtained the seed and planted.
Young trees won’t help you grow teeth, they are not mature enough, these trees are hardwood trees I believe and take approx 12 yrs to mature.
I planted in Hyde Park, but I didn’t find them this time round and I know at least one of them was felled. Last time there was a queue of people all with their chicken sandwiches from the nearby Pret a Manger to put leaves in and grow new teeth.
People were horrified at how quickly their teeth fell out, some people puked, others were really excited, but in the main the horror of all your teeth falling out was a frightening and nerve racking experience for most people.
But . . . 2-3 months later they all got new teeth!
There was a bit of a frenzy around the trees because some people thought it was a black magic tree, It isn’t. It’s a completely natural occurrence for this tree to be able to clean your teeth with its twigs and at the same time the sap whitens your teeth instantly! Or it can grow you new teeth if you eat the leaves or enough sap I guess!.
So what’s the Sabotage? There are a few unfortunately.
Unscrupulous selfish people felled the toothbrush trees so we all end up with dentures!
Jealous people who can’t stand a winning pearly white smile (In the West this is considered beautiful) have conspired and acted upon destroying dental hygiene amongst beautiful people or otherwise nowadays, because then if they stand next to us, they don’t look good. They do this with our figures, hair and skin and teeth to deform us.
New figments were told by the Saboteurs that were special and didn’t need to worry about brushing their teeth as that was for normal people, and there were also those that didn’t know what a toothbrush was.
A junkie revenge to make people feel and look like them. Revenge is some kind of drug, which crumbles your teeth, or dissolves them. Sometimes the revenge is via another person ie: the revenger manipulates to get someone else to glue sniff or do the deed on behalf of the person who wants the revenge and the victim sometimes doesn’t realise that they are being either victimised (manipulated to take bad drugs) or that it would have repercussions on others around them or passers by inhaling the toxins.
The other revenge is putting a ball bearing in the gum and that will work its way under the tooth and destroy it.
The old revenge was simply pulling someone’s teeth out, which is very painful.
So how do we avoid these revenges? Or how can we fix the damage if it has already occurred?
Well all of its fixable with the toothbrush tree, but to have this amazing tree in London for instance, we need to educate people NOT TO BE JEALOUS OF OTHER PEOPLE’S TEETH and NOT TO CUT TREES DOWN and we need to STOP THE SABOTEURS.
The dentists are able to extract the ball bearings from people’s gums. It would be visible on X-Ray, but in some cases it’s a surgery.
If you have had orthodontic work done, if you were to get new teeth, you might have to have the orthodontic work done again as your teeth would grow back as they were genetically intended.
Can you save your teeth?
Now, the best solution I’ve found so far and there are 2 of them, is to look after your gums and use a Gum mouthwash as well as brushing your teeth twice a day (and flossing).
I came across this mouthwash as I had Gingivitis and I used it to stop my gums bleeding, which it did and it also healed the discoloration of my gums caused in part by smoking but also I think the discolouration was an indication that something was very wrong and no nutrients could reach my teeth to maintain their health and indeed integrity.
This is where the sabotage comes in, not long ago, I realised quite suddenly that my teeth, not one but all of them were soft? I felt them bend! I was eating an apple or maybe a pear and it wasn’t that hard, but my teeth couldn’t withstand it, so I stopped eating it.
I felt no pain, it was like acid or something had melted my teeth and they were no longer hard. I don’t believe this was a gum disease issue. But I have no proof and I was scared to go to the dentist because they would say the usual, don’t eat sweets or drink fruit juice brush and floss twice a day and so on.
Not that this is bad advice but I didn’t think my teeth would wait the 2 weeks that it might take to get an appointment only to be told there was nothing I could do!
So I went straight onto Amazon and ordered Gum Relief Drops which is the Gingivitis cure. You just put 2 drops in a small cup of water and swish it in your mouth for 1 minute everyday until your gums are healthy again.
Guess what, it worked! The doctor who recommended me these drops years ago said it was an emergency that I do not fail to do this everyday, at the time I didn’t think it was that much of an emergency because then my teeth weren’t soft, but I remembered him saying if you don’t have healthy gums your teeth will not be healthy either.
My teeth hardened in 2-3 days of using this mouthwash and I was so relieved. It really is scary to lose your teeth if there aren’t any toothbrush trees around!
The other remedy I found on Pinterest is a foam for teeth whitening which again you just swoosh in your mouth for a minute and this foam contains essence of the toothbrush tree, so it possibly could help with continued use grow your teeth back, but I don’t know how much is in it and nor have I tested this. The pictures advertised with this product are convincing and do say it can regrow your teeth, it certainly whitens them!
And quite recently (at the time of writing this post) I chipped my tooth whilst drinking a cup of tea and not hitting my teeth on the cup, all I did was press my teeth together and a tiny (not visible) chip crumbled off my front tooth.
Now, I didn’t know what it was and I crushed it, and it fell apart in my mouth, that isn’t normal is it! So I have to be very careful, again it’s not sensitive, but I think it was a bit of enamel so I need to make sure my gums are in good health and I brush my teeth regularly to rebuild the chipped enamel that fell off for no reason at all!
The front tooth revenge is a revenge that isn’t that normal, but it’s one that is obviously going to mess with your looks and confidence which is what the Saboteurs are currently trying to reduce in me so that I won’t blab about what they are doing……OOPS!
Fairs fair, the amount of physical sabotages that have affected my health and looks is ASTRONOMICAL. I can only try my best to maintain my looks despite the sabotages and continue to blab so that others can also rectify the multitude of sabotages they have inflicted on in my opinion more than two thirds of the general public.
They start with one or two people, find it hilarious and then it spreads with more and more people thinking how funny, until it happens to them, but then they think perhaps others should feel like they do and it continues until people say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, stop maiming and destroying peoples looks and health with this immature and revolting attitude, it is illegal so they are classed as criminals whether they know it or not by the law.
What’s the word on the street?
Word on the street is that this is down to glue sniffers, I don’t know what glue or chemical they are using, but this is something that could and probably is out of hand already judging by the number of recommendations by dentists not to drink fruit juice as it wears the enamel, when infact it’s more plausible that these people like me have come into contact with glue sniffers sabotages or and I am loath to say it, but an accident possibly where I have walked into a room or area where someone was glue sniffing and suffered that way.
But I actually think this is a planned sabotage on many people, possibly planned indiscriminately. When people told me what happened to them, I thought it more plausible that it was like the dentists say, down to poor dental hygiene, now I know better and we all need to be aware of what we can do to keep our teeth safe until the time when we can grow our teeth back when the toothbrush trees are plentiful and free from sabotage.
Back to the Toothbrush Tree
I have had several sets of new teeth as I lived near 2 trees which the monks planted for me years ago, but they’ve been cut down now. I planted in Central Park in NY and in a few other states, I planted in Vondel park in Amsterdam, in Rhodesia and France, Germany and Switzerland near the Alps somewhere. The re-foresters and councils and Governments, I think would have had them planted around the world sporadically too.
I know that these trees would have had babies in the wild and many should have survived, but where they all are now I admit, I don’t quite know as who knows how many Saboteurs have felled them.
So, the good news is, that in the near future, it should be possible if more trees have grown to help everyone eventually grow new teeth, as long as we can stop the sabotages of course!
And even if we do have new teeth, we still need to look after our new teeth because we don’t want to go around for 2-3 months regularly with no teeth! Also a word of warning, when all your teeth fall out it affects your speech because you cannot articulate as you normally would without your teeth to make the proper sounds, so if you work on the telephone as a part of your job, you may want to wait or save up so you can take 2-3 months off to grow your amazing pearly whites and get your winning smile back.
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Although the advice in this article relates to health advice we do not take any responsibility for the reliability of remedy in cases unknown to us, as we are not a practicing GP. Please visit your GP for all medical advice and any intended remedy you want to participate in to alleviate any malady you may have, perceived or otherwise.