Look after your teeth or . . . . grow a new set?

It is possible to grow a new set of teeth if you eat 4 leaves, not too old, not too new, from the tree which I call the toothbrush tree (not the hot climate version) but the trees that used to be plentiful in England and the Nordics.

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The Odyssey, Drug-induced Megalomaniac Wars

A frazzled brain with two arms chained together to denote the Odyssey, we are all trapped in the drug-induced, corruption the Megalomaniacs created which lead to several Armegheddons.

We may all be trapped in a man made Odyssey, trapped in the imaginings of our own minds because of the Megalomaniac Drug Wars. Comprehension of one’s own Oydessy helps us understand the BIG ODYSSEY.

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Grimms Vs Critters, a cure for Zombies and Sickle Cell

Grimms are the vanquishers of Critters and many a story depends on this outcome. Zombies and Sickle Cell disease aren’t related as far as I know other than they can both be vanquished by Grimms, here’s how.

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Contraception . . . for the Mature and Responsible!

Use Contraception or face the consequences of unwanted or unknown about ilegitamate offspring making you and your families Prostitutes in Law.

We need contraception, if we look at our schools and ask the children to put their hands up if their parents are married, (I have done this) I bet none of them will. That actually means that today compared to the 1800’s we are a society of Prostitutes who don’t take responsibility for our actions within society. We rely on the State for money, and knowledge, which we glean from our friends who are also Prostitutes.

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Strawberry Jam Yeast Muffins with Butter Frosting, Cures HIV/Aids, Cancer & the Covid/Corona Virus

Strawberry Jam Yeast Muffins with Butter Frosting

Warning- These Muffins are so delicious you may need to stop yourself from eating all the butter frosting whilst cooking your muffins, and also, the finished Strawberry Jam with Butter Frosting Yeast Muffin itself! They Cure Aids/HIV Cancer and the Covid 19/Corona Virus and much more!.

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Hair Removal, IPL & De-Fuzzers

Hair removal van be scary!

So when the Saboteurs jeered at me and said that I just wanted to be a man for playing football, they said that I ought to look like one and gave me a bumfluff mustache and sideburns! I didn’t realise until I got home! I was the ugliest little girl who then everyone thought was a boy.

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Anti Aging, how to firm up the skin and reduce wrinkles

Exercise promotes a healthy blood flow and will have many benefits to the body as well as losing weight on your body you will notice losing weight on your face too!. There will be a period of looking worse, but don’t worry, just as our body skin has to catch up with the weight loss and can look very saggy, so can our faces. You just need to carry on, work through it until your body skin and your facial skin is toned and has shrunk to fit!.

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CLARITY AND EYESIGHT, how to cure partial sightedness and blindness.

Blue Cats eyes

Years later, I was asked to do something for the blind, “like what?” I asked, so I went to the blind institute to find out what they wanted and not knowing that a cure was possible it was housing, home help, things to do, outings etc. I was annoyed, I had medical knowledge and I thought, something to cure them. I thought . . . What more could a blind person want?

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Garlic Spinach Quesadilla’s Recipe

Years ago, the church was very worried about the Flea situation in London and thought that with the fear of Vampires at the time, if we told the general public that Vampires don’t like garlic, they would eat it and in so doing, be repellent themselves to the fleas, that the clergy felt was the bigger problem!.

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Eczema, Simple Solutions that Work!

Feature pic for Eczema, Simple Solutions that work article

Living with Eczema can be annoying, painful, and embarrassing as well as being life-threatening in extreme cases. It can sometimes mean you cancel social events because you simply can’t wear that gorgeous dress you just bought with red blotchy legs or your sleeveless top in the summer because your arms are flaking like you’ve got dandruff on your arms!. Try these Simple Solutions to manage your Eczema.

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