Eczema, Simple Solutions that Work!

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Living with Eczema can be annoying, painful, and embarrassing as well as being life-threatening in extreme cases. It can sometimes mean you cancel social events because you simply can’t wear that gorgeous dress you just bought with red blotchy legs or your sleeveless top in the summer because your arms are flaking like you’ve got dandruff on your arms!. Try these Simple Solutions to manage your Eczema.

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Olive Oil, Parmesan, Balsamic Vinegar Aperitif

Increasing your Oil intake to improve your skin, hair and internal organs (liver, Kidney etc) couldn’t be easier with this simple Aperitif, best eaten as a dip with 3-day old bread (3-day old bread contains extremely strong anitbiotics.) that can be shared with your whole table. If you are Eczema prone eating this for two weeks everyday should alleviate any symptoms leaving you flake and itch-free!.

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